Saturday, March 28, 2009

Thirst Quenching

If you have lived in the Texas Panhandle for any length of time then you know how the weather can change on a dime.

Proof in point:

Friday, March 27th 2009, around 7:30pm:




Front yard - View from Dining Room

This morning around 9:00 am:



March 28, 2009 - around 7:30



View from Dining Room

Same snow covered Boxwood

It was much needed moisture! I worked for almost two hours shoveling snow. It would have melted without my help; but, I decided it was a good work-out.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Don't Buy a Car- Or Did You Already

When an individual’s income starts growing and they manage to set aside some savings, they commonly experience what may be considered an innate instinct of modern civilized mankind.
The desire to spend money.
Since Americans have a special love affair with the automobile, this becomes a high priority item on the shopping list. Later, other things will be added and one of those will probably be a house.
However, by the time home ownership has become more than a distant and hopeful dream, you may have already bought the car.
It happens all the time, sometimes just before you contact a lender to get pre-qualified for a mortgage.
As part of the interview, you may tell the loan officer your price target. He will ask about your income, your savings and your debts, then give you his opinion. "If only you didn’t have this car payment," he might begin, "you would certainly qualify for a home loan to buy that house."

When determining your ability to qualify for a mortgage, a lender looks at what is called your "debt-to-income" ratio. A debt-to-income ratio is the percentage of your gross monthly income (before taxes) that you spend on debt. This will include your monthly housing costs, including principal, interest, taxes, insurance, and homeowner’s association fees, if any. It will also include your monthly consumer debt, including credit cards, student loans, installment debt, and….
…car payments.

Even if you feel you can afford the car payment, mortgage companies approve your mortgage based on their guidelines, not yours. Do not get discouraged, however. You should still take the time to get pre-qualified by a lender.
However, if you have not already bought a car, remember one thing. Whenever the thought of buying a car enters your mind, think ahead. Think about buying a home first. Buying a home is a much more important purchase when considering your future financial well being.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Tax Credits and First Time Home Buyers

Are you buying your first home and have a lot of questions about the new tax credit available. If you do you are not alone. For awhile things were changing on a daily basis. I think the link below will help with any questions you might be having. But remember to always consult your professional financial advisor for your personal advice.

People ask me daily if it is a good time to buy a home. I personally think it is a wonderful time to buy.

Here is the link: